I started a blog where every week I'm going to make a mixtape of ten (give or take a few) songs. Every week will focus on a certain genre or style of music. My whole mission is to give you bands or music or songs that you've never heard before! This week's mixtape is a fun one: dance music. For me, dance music doesn't have to include thumping bass or strange, ear-splitting fax machine noises. It just needs to have that groove, and that feel. You just have to be able to dance to it. So, ladies and gentlemen, prepare to start jigging. LETS DO THIS.
Track 1. "Dancing Shoes" - Arctic Monkeys: This song actually takes place in a club, and of course is about dancing. So really, it wouldn't make sense not to start off with this song. These dudes have an interesting british-indie-meets-surf rock sound. Check it out! (A little warning so some listeners, there is some cursing in this song.)
Track 2. "Change Your Mind" - The Killers: These guys have a great mix of techno and alternative. This was an interesting pick for me, as it may be their least electronic song on the whole album. Either way, this song has a great feel.
Track 3. "Mack The Knife" - Louis Armstrong: Louis is the toe-tapping master, no questioning that. And this song is classic jazz at it's finest.
Track 4. "Young Folks" - Peter Bjorn & John: Once you listen to the song, you'll understand. The beat is so simple, and yet I can't sit still.
Track 5. "Nausea" - Beck: This whole album (The Information) is a must for head boppers. This guy has an authentic sound. He seems to look at everything differently than everyone else.
Track 6. "Can't Stop" - Red Hot Chili Peppers: The Chili Peppers just have that gift of funk. This song has a great melody and beat, not to mention an awesome guitar riff.
Track 7. "Up Up Up" - Givers: This is one of my favorite new bands of the year. They have a really fun and earthy feel. You can't help but dance.
Track 8. "Tomorrow Never Knows" - The Beatles: What would a mixtape be without at least one Beatles song?
Track 9. "Gangsta" - tUnE-yArDs: Interesting song. Fascinating artist. It's outside of the box, and I'm bopping my head this moment.
Track 10. "Us V Them" - LCD Soundsystem: I chose this song to be last for a few different reasons. One, it's the longest on this whole playlist. (A wopping eight and a half minutes!) but this also happens to be my favorite song on here. This band without a doubt has "the groove". Not to mention a good sense of humor. The bad news is, apparently, they seemed to have just released their last album. (Sadface.) Oh well, these guys are still a great jam, and so much fun. Dance away!
P.S. I want to give a shout out and a huge TENK YOU VEDDY MUCH to Mr. Seth Thompson for designing the logo/heading/art for the blog. I personally think it's amazing! If you want to check out any of his other amazing stuff (as I have multiple times) go here.
P.P.S Also, if you ever want to suggest ANYTHING to me (whether it be a band, a mixtape subject or you just wanna talk!) you can email me: huntrbrown@gmail.com. (I promise it isn't a typo.)